Campaign banner
The default banner for most of our Campaign pages – featuring a prominent call to action button within the banner itself.
This banner is suitable for all campaigns other than donate-based ones: fundraising, advocacy, prayer, sign ups, etc.
It features a call to action button within the banner itself – right at the top of the page. This helps make the purpose of the page immediately clear upon page load.
Alternative campaign banners
Giving widget banner
Appeal banner
Text requirements
Page title:
20-30 characters is ideal
(45 max) -
20 words
110 characters max -
10-20 characters
Image template
To make up a Campaign page banner image use this Photoshop template.
How your image will be cropped
Once you’ve supplied your image using the above Photoshop template, your image will be automatically cropped and resized, using clever coding, so that it has the maximum visual impact across the different device sizes. (See image below)