Trevor – The quiet traditionalist
Trevor is a 55-year-old accountant. He has a strong but very personal faith and studies the bible most days. He attends church every couple of months.
‘I’m worried that charities waste too much money.’
Key goals
See how charity money is spent, to make sure it’s not being wasted.
Receive regular updates about the charities he supports.
Find out about the ethos of charities, to see whether it aligns with his own.
Be in control of the amount of information he is sent by charities.
Has Direct Debits for several aid charities eg Water Aid and Oxfam.
Donates to a mixture of secular and Christian charities.
Does not like social media, but may use it occasionally as it allows him to keep up to date with family and friends.
More likely to get news and information from TV and radio.
Likes to get email updates from charities.
Reads the Bible most days – uses Bible Gateway to explore it in more detail.
Has to prioritise charities.
Downloads church newsletters.
Chooses charities that match his values.
Charity is very personal to him and he prefers not to talk about it or share it with others.
Has a strong commitment to ‘doing the right thing’.
Worried about excessive salaries in charities.
Likes to think he is making a difference.
We must
Get Tearfund’s Christian values across to him as it will resonate strongly.
Gently nudge him towards greater use of digital with compelling content (with email at the heart of this).
Provide comprehensive information about process and ethos to engender trust.
We must not
- Alienate Trevor by placing too much emphasis on digital and social media.