Caroline – The core supporter
Caroline is 70, and a retired headmistress. She’s very active in her local church and attends church meetings at least twice a week.
‘The generous giving nature of God is evident in faith. I want to imitate his giving and generosity.’
Key goals
Find prayers relevant to daily events.
Keep up to date with in-depth information about Tearfund’s activities, particularly information and stories from developing countries.
Find out how Tearfund’s money is spent.
Supports more than ten charities, most of them Christian (eg Bible Society, Church Mission Society).
Has supported Tearfund for more than 20 years – she donates as part of her tithe and has a Direct Debit for this.
Makes occasional one-off payments via cheque.
She’s relatively computer savvy but doesn’t really use social media other than to keep in touch with family.
She regularly reads Tear Times and likes to receive charity materials by both post and email.
Belongs to a church that she has encouraged to support Tearfund.
Uses her Tearfund prayer diary regularly.
Committed Christian – committed to living her life according to God’s will.
As likely to choose a charity because it is Christian than because of the cause.
Worried about the effect that digital technology will have on the church.
Not time-limited – can engage with the details.
Conservative attitudes (with a small ‘c’).
Frustrated by the sheer quantity of information she gets from charities by post.
We must
Continue to communicate a strong, traditional Christian ethos as this lies at the heart of her support.
We must not
Assume she will engage significantly with digital outputs other than emails (and possibly Facebook).