Susan – The social pragmatist
Susan is 38. She has two children in primary school and works part-time in a bank. She goes to church every few weeks when her busy life allows.
‘Ultimately it doesn’t matter though–the end goal is doing good.’
Key goals
Find charitable causes that she can believe in.
Make quick and efficient donations.
Be kept up to date about the activities and successes of the charities she supports.
Supports a handful of charities every year – one or two of them by Direct Debit.
Tends to give to secular charities such as Oxfam or British Red Cross rather than Christian ones.
Very active on social media – constantly posting and commenting on Facebook and Instagram with her friends and family.
Doesn’t use social media for religious purposes.
Is aware of Tearfund, but has never donated to us due to lack of engagement.
Hasn’t seen anything to do with Tearfund in her church.
Doesn’t encounter much religious or charity content on her timeline.
Kind and thoughtful; motivated by making the world a better place.
She is very pragmatic–to her, the end goal is more important than the values of the charity. She doesn’t really see any important differences between Christian and secular charities.
Dislikes getting too many printed materials in the post from charities.
Doesn’t really engage deeply with charities – trusts them to ‘do the right thing’ with her money.
We must
Give her a compelling reason to support Tearfund rather than secular charities.
Make it easy for her to set up regular payments if she wishes.
Provide interesting, engaging updates to bring Tearfund’s work to life.
Explore how to engage with her via social media.
We must not
Assume her faith will guide her naturally towards Tearfund.
Engage too much via printed materials.