A-Z House Style Guide
- man/mankind #
If generalising, say people or women and men or men and women rather than ‘man’, and say humanity or humankind rather than ‘mankind’. Quote from the NIV UK. Where quoting from different versions, ensure the language is gender inclusive, eg Micah 6:8 No: ‘He has shown you, O man, what is good’ (NIV)… Yes: He has shown all you people what is good… (TNIV)
- media #
Use a singular verb with ‘media’ when it means newspapers, television, radio, magazines etc. So: The media was quick to pick up on the story, not ‘The media were…’
- metaphors #
Be careful not to mix them. Avoid ‘an army of pioneers swimming against the tide slamming the door on injustice while not wanting to get their feet wet’ etc.
- miles #
Use miles rather than kilometres. One to ten miles but 2.5 miles, 11 miles. See also units.
- million #
In running copy: a million or 1 million, 2 million, 2.5 million, a quarter of a million, half a million. In headlines or if short of space: 2.5m. See also numbers. Compare billion and trillion.
- mm, m #
Use metric for short distances. Rule of thumb: ‘short’ is anything less than approximately 800m (half a mile). One to ten in words followed by millimetres or metres; 11+ in numerals, followed by abbreviation. So four metres but 40mm. Look at the context: The pipe was 5mm thick (don’t slow reader down) but the slug had meandered two centimetres all afternoon (deliberately draws attention to detail).
- more than #
Use ‘more than’ not ‘over’ with numbers of a particular thing: Yes: More than 50 new churches have signed up… More than 3,000 people attended the event. Compare over.
Write as above if talking in general terms.
When referring to a named individual, check how they like to be referred to by searching for them at https://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices
For someone who’s an MP only, use Diane Abbott MP (or whatever their preference is as detailed above). But if they’re a minister or secretary of state, just use their title: International Development Secretary Hilary Benn. The fact he’s an MP and Rt Hon is implied and doesn’t need to appear in copy. Exception: address an envelope to Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP, Secretary of State for International Development, House of Commons etc etc and begin the letter: Dear Mr Benn (NB: Sir + first name, so Sir Menzies).
- Myanmar/Burma #
Use Myanmar unless referring specifically to the former name eg The country changed its name from Burma to Myanmar in…..
- myself #
Do not use myself when you mean ‘me’. Eg yes: I cut myself; I felt pleased with myself etc. No: ‘If you have any questions, please call Helen or myself.’